MAD 2 MAR (Market Abuse): Compliance and Technology

MAD 2 MAR (Market Abuse): Compliance and Technology

Sale Price:£800.00 Original Price:£1,200.00

The “MAD 2 MAR Compliance and Technology” training course is an absolute must for banking and financial services compliance professionals. It will provide attendees with highly comprehensive training covering the European Union (EU) Market Abuse Directive (MAD 2), the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR), identifying and detecting a broad range of market abuse behaviours, and how to implement effective market abuse compliance programmes within firms.

It will also showcase a range of market abuse technologies in order to allow firms who are thinking about implementing new market abuse technologies to evaluate existing market offerings and the range of features offered by each software solution vendor.

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MLRO Operational Compliance: PART II

MLRO Operational Compliance: PART II

Sale Price:£900.00 Original Price:£1,200.00

Advanced AML and CFT Practitioner (3 Days)

Sale Price:£3,000.00 Original Price:£3,600.00
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Storm-7 Consulting 'Chief Financial Officer' (CFO) Executive Training Programme

Storm-7 Consulting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Executive Training Programme

Storm-7 Consulting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Executive Training Programme

Sanctions Screening and Investigations

Sanctions Screening and Investigations

Sale Price:£900.00 Original Price:£1,200.00