Storm-7 Consulting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Executive Training Programme

Storm-7 Consulting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Executive Training Programme


This is not a traditional Chief Executive Officer (CEO) training programme. Far from it. This CEO Training Programme has been specifically designed and developed to train the next generation of CEOs that have not been raised and developed through more ‘traditional’ educational and organisational channels. They have not graduated from Ivy League or Oxbridge universities.

They have not spent years in Blue Chip companies or the Big 5 consulting firms. Instead, they are operators, innovators, and facilitators who have found themselves founding, leading, or soon will be leading, the latest innovative and disruptive financial or technological start-ups. They lead the next generation of Disruptive Innovator Entrepreneurs who are more than ready to throw down in the latest global zeitgeist markets.

This CEO Training Programme has been created to develop high performance leaders who drive results leveraging both their Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ). They seek to effortlessly generate emotional investment from teams, whilst at the same time managing performance with strong commercial acumen, as well as constantly seeking to bridge the knowing-doing gap.

This CEO Training Programme will seek to instil adaptive leadership capabilities in all attendees, thereby ensuring their ability to seamlessly integrate personal drive and ambition into their formulation of an organisation’s strategic direction and actions in order to gain, and continually sustain, overall competitive advantage. For these potential leaders, adaptive and agile emotional leadership is an absolute must in order to drive change and improve both personal and organisational effectiveness.

Brand New - Virtual Training Course Attendance Option

After enormous demand, Storm-7 Consulting are scheduling brand new options for attending training courses for 2023 and beyond.

  • Attendees now have the freedom to choose to secure online attendance at any one of our special schedules of selected virtual training courses.

  • Attendees will enjoy the same scheduled training sessions within each course topic of their choosing, led online by one of our world class Expert Trainers.

  • Attendees will be given close guidance and instruction through training course presentations with our inimitable granular coverage.

This option will also provide attendees with many further advantages, including:

  • Securing training course sessions at lower attendance fees.

  • Convenient attendance from any location in the world.

  • Direct online interaction with the Expert Trainer (before and after the training).

  • Access to company discounts and seasonal offers.

  • CPD and industry training accreditation on applicable courses.

Virtual Attendance Package includes:

  • 1 x Full Deck Presentation Slides (4 sessions per day of training).

  • 1 x Electronic copy of any Session Supplementary Materials (Abbreviations, Definitions, Handouts).

  • 1 x Electronic copy of any Session Graphics (Charts, Figures, Graphs, Tables).

  • 1 x Electronic copy of any Session Reference Materials and Documents.

  • Online access to the CEO Executive Training Programme E-Training Library.

Add To Cart
PSD2 - Technology, Strategy, and Innovation (PART II)

PSD2 - Technology, Strategy, and Innovation (PART II)

Sale Price:£900.00 Original Price:£1,500.00


Sale Price:£1,500.00 Original Price:£2,500.00

PRIIPs: Operational Compliance

Sale Price:£900.00 Original Price:£1,500.00

Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Finance

Sale Price:£1,000.00 Original Price:£1,500.00

Strategic Collateral Management

Sale Price:£1,200.00 Original Price:£1,500.00