CCP Clearing, Risk Management, Recovery and Resolution (EU)

CCP Clearing, Risk Management, Recovery and Resolution (EU)

Sale Price:£1,800.00 Original Price:£2,500.00

This new and unique two day training course will provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of central counterparty (CCP) clearing models and operational frameworks. Attendees will receive in depth instruction on the CCP regulatory framework governed by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR).

Attendees will be able to practically compare a range of key issues affecting CCP offerings. The training course will also provide deep coverage of margining practices, clearing models and agreements, operational risks, and risk management frameworks affecting CCPs. Finally, attendees will be guided through the intricacies of effective CCP Recovery and Resolution Plans, and CCP Default Management, Recovery and Continuity Frameworks.

The current training course is based on the training content developed and accumulated across a number of different CCP Clearing, Risk Management, Recovery and Resolution conferences and public training courses held in previous years, as well as in-house training courses delivered to many of the world’s top CCPs and clearing houses.

This training course has proved itself to be one of the best, and most advanced, courses of its kind around the world.

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Legal Tech: Smart Contracts, Innovation, and Law

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(L)IBOR Migration and RFRs

Sale Price:£1,200.00 Original Price:£1,500.00
PSD2 - Technology, Strategy, and Innovation (PART II)

PSD2 - Technology, Strategy, and Innovation (PART II)

Sale Price:£900.00 Original Price:£1,500.00
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Supervisory Technology (SupTech)

Supervisory Technology (SupTech)

Sale Price:£1,200.00 Original Price:£1,500.00