Urban Animal - PSD2 Transformation Series PART II: Technology, Strategy & Innovation

Urban Animal - PSD2 Transformation Series PART II: Technology, Strategy & Innovation

Sale Price:£900.00 Original Price:£1,200.00

PART II of the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) Transformation Series aims to provide a training course that provides unprecedented training and insights that are not available anywhere else. The PSD2 Technology, Strategy, and Innovation training course ventures far beyond the Payment Services Directive (PSD) and PSD2 operational frameworks and provides highly extensive and in-depth coverage of strategic approaches to PSD2 markets, technologies, and marketing and sales strategies for payment services firms.

It is precisely what PSD2 payments services firms have been waiting for. A comprehensive analysis of PSD2 competitors, market commentary on current market developments in different European Union (EU) jurisdictions, as well as strategic analysis of a broad range of market studies that highlight the compelling need for PSD2 payment firms to undertake both extensive market research and market education initiatives in order to successfully capture new PSD2 markets.

PSD2 is no longer simply about compliance and it should not be viewed as a threat, but a one-of-a-kind strategic revenue opportunity to develop unprecedented offerings to consumers and businesses across the EU.

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