AML and CFT Typologies, Methodologies, and Risk Assessments

AML and CFT Typologies, Methodologies, and Risk Assessments

Sale Price:£900.00 Original Price:£1,200.00

The ‘AML and CFT Typologies, Methodologies, and Risk Assessments’ Training Programme adopts a highly practical and operational approach to the implementation of effective and proportionate firm Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-the-Financing of Terrorism (CFT) compliance frameworks.

Attendees will significantly benefit from highly practical instruction on a range of money laundering methods being utilised across the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU), as well as practical analysis of global methodologies employed by money launderers in relation to concealment of beneficial ownership.

In addition, attendees will be guided through establishing and optimising internal firm AML and CFT risk assessments, tailoring the risk-based approach to the firm in a proportionate manner, and implementing more advanced firm risk assessment methodologies and risk monitoring frameworks.

The Programme provides an ideal mix of theory with practical guidance and infused with case operational case studies throughout.

Brand New - Virtual Training Course Attendance Option
After enormous demand, Storm-7 Consulting are scheduling brand new options for attending training courses for 2020 and beyond.

  • Attendees now have the freedom to choose to secure online attendance at any one of our special schedules of selected virtual training courses.

  • Delegates will enjoy the same scheduled training sessions within each course topic of their choosing, led online by one of our world class Expert Trainers.

  • They will be given close guidance and instruction through training course presentations with our inimitable granular coverage.

This option will also provide attendees with many further advantages:

  • Securing training course sessions at lower attendance fees;

  • Convenient attendance from any location in the world;

  • Direct online interaction with the Expert Trainer;

  • Access to company discounts and seasonal offers;

  • CPD and industry training accreditation on applicable courses.

The Virtual Attendance Package includes:

  • 1 x Full Deck Presentation Slides.

  • 1 x Electronic copy of any Session/Workshop Supplementary Materials and Documents.

  • 1 x Electronic copy of any Session/Workshop Charts/Graphs/Definitions.

  • 1 x Electronic copy of any Session/Workshop Reference Materials and Documents.

  • Online access to Storm-7 Consulting E-course Training Library.

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