“Incisive and comprehensive instruction covering the EU market abuse regulatory framework. The tailored modular structure provides a highly flexible approach to the in-depth coverage.”
This new and unique in-house training program will provide attendees with a comprehensive instruction on the new European Union (EU) market abuse regulatory framework governed by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). The program can be specifically tailored to meet a firm's training needs by allowing firms to choose any 4 modules (1 day training) or 8 modules (2 days training), out of a choice of 10 Modules. The modules cover the new Market Abuse Directive (MAD 2) (Directive 2014/57/EU), Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) (Regulation No 596/2014), and Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Market Abuse) Regulations 2016 (2016 No. 0000) (MARs 2016) substantive obligations in depth. They also cover new obligations for trading venues (Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF), Organised Trading Facility (OTF), Emissions Allowances) and issuers, financial services firms, and persons discharging managerial responsibilities. Firms can choose to gain in-depth instruction on a range of MAR operational practices, as well as benefitting from strategic perspectives on MAD 2 and MAR compliance. New mandatory internal MAR reporting procedures and legitimate behaviour defences, mean that financial services firms need to ensure they have implemented and maintained adequate and effective internal arrangements and procedures for the purposes of MAR and MAD 2, and that employees clearly understand the new regulatory obligations.
ISDA® is a registered trademark of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc., and Storm-7 Consulting Limited is neither sponsored by nor affiliated with the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA), and the public is hereby informed that Storm-7 Consulting Limited holds no commercial, private, or other relationship with ISDA.