“The complexity of today’s global compliance regulations means that the compliance function needs to ensure internal operating systems, processes, and frameworks are robust, in order to effectively address the risk of financial losses and criminal or civil sanctions ”
Global Regulatory Compliance for Financial Institutions
This intensive two day course will provide delegates with an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of both existing and new and emerging global regulatory requirements. From the European Union (EU) perspective, the course will look at the way the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) and the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) now function in practice. It will also provide delegates with an overview of how the new revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) framework will operate. From a United States (U.S.) perspective, the course will provide delegates with the latest developments affecting the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank) and Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) frameworks. Finally, from a global perspective the course will help delegates to understand the new compliance obligations and risks under the Basel III and OECD Common Reporting Standard compliance regimes.
Day 1
SESSION 1: An Overview of Global Regulatory Compliance
- A Snapshot of Today's Global Regulatory Framework (e.g., Central Securities Depositary, Market Abuse Directive II, Target 2 Securities, Solvency II).
- Striving towards a holistic and cost-effective approach to global compliance.
- Competently addressing Legal, Financial, Market, Operational, and Reputational Risks.
SESSION 2: The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD)
- An Overview of Key AIFMD Obligations.
- AIFMD rules (rules on transparency, conduct of business, delegation, transparency, leverage, remuneration, risk management, and reporting).
- AIFMD exemptions (Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs), Intra Group, and De Minimis).
- AIFMD obligations for EU AIFs/AIFMs and non-EU AIFs and AIFMs.
- Updated AIFMD Compliance Issues.
SESSION 3: The European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR)
- Application and Key Clearing Obligations for FC, NFC+, NFC-, and TC+ entities.
- Threshold Calculations.
- Clearing, Reporting, Risk Mitigation, and Dispute Resolution Obligations.
- Risk measures for non-centrally cleared OTC derivatives
- Interoperability between CCPs.
- Updated EMIR Compliance Issues.
SESSION 4: The revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II)
- An Overview of Key MiFID II obligations and MiFID II operating concepts.
- Conduct of Business (COB) obligations, transparency and investor protection, the new Third Country Firm framework, and enhanced supervisory powers and sanctions.
- Changes to in-scope OTC derivatives and commodities markets.
- Organised Trading Facilities (OTFs), Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs), and Systemic Internalisers (SIs).
Day 2
- The Basel Accords (I, II, and 2.5) and the Three Pillar Basel framework.
- Basel III changes to bank capital adequacy, market liquidity risk, stress testing, capital requirements, countercyclical capital buffers, and capital conservation buffers.
- Updated Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) issues.
SESSION 6: The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank)
- Overview of Key Dodd-Frank Obligations (securitisation, swaps, credit ratings agencies, funds, Volcker Rule).
- Regulatory structure and corporate governance changes.
- Regulating Systemically Significant Financial Institutions (SSFIs).
- Substituted Compliance Determinations for non-US regimes and No-Action Letters.
SESSION 7: The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
- FATCA definitions and the Three Pillars of FATCA (Classification, Reporting, Withholding).
- Conducting FATCA due diligence.
- Analysing Model 1 IGA, Model 2 IGA, and U.S. IRS FFI Agreements.
- Assessing compliance risks and costs.
- FATCA civil and criminal penalties.
- FATCA gross proceeds and passthru payments.
SESSION 8: The OECD Common Reporting Standard (CRS)
- The Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters.
- Analysing the Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information (Model Competent Authority Agreement) (Common Reporting and Due Diligence Standard).
- Reporting and due diligence standards.
- Indicia searches (electronic and paper) and permanent residence address test.
- Comparing FATCA and CRS reporting and due diligence obligations.
Key Benefits
- Advanced knowledge and understanding of AIFMD, Basel III, Dodd-Frank, EMIR, FATCA, MiFID II, and OECD CRS compliance operational frameworks
- Comprehensive understanding of how the new regulatory compliance frameworks interact, and how to streamline compliance operations
- Pre-conference questionnaire to identify delegate's key course objectives
- Lenovo 8" Yoga Tablet pre-loaded with conference presentations and documentation to take-away
- Comprehensive conference documentation
- Post-conference expert trainer follow-up to guarantee all key course objectives have been met
Course Suitable For
- Audit Staff and Accountants
- Chief Executive Officers
- Chief Financial Officers
- Chief Risk Officers
- Compliance Staff and Officers
- Executive and Non-Executive Board Directors
- General Counsel
- General Managers
- In-House Legal Counsel
- Internal Compliance Control Managers
- Investment Fund Managers
- Risk Management Officers and Professionals